

Head In The Clouds

Music video for the artist O Jonny.

Shot & Edited With Alec Giorgio



Urbex is an app designed to connect the Urban Exploration Community and bring lost locations to light. With social media-like functions, Urbex makes it easy to for photographers, hikers, and explorers alike to share their favorite spots and seek inspiration.

Urbex is not available for download, it functions as a wireflow diagram with mapped user interactions.


Welcome To Headspace

A visual embodiment of one’s headspace, designed to create cognitive dissonance for the viewer as they question what goes on inside their own mental space.

Created in Cinema 4D & Adobe AfterEffects


Found Footage

A music video created for Jerry Folk's flip of Jorja Smith's "Goodbyes" using vintage cartoon footage.


Chasing The Wild

Music video concept for Hippie Sabotage. Filmed in Miami, FL.


Moth & Futility

Using audio from the short film “Chicken and Futility” discussing the futility of moths' journeys to the moon.


Truths & Lies

A video piece containing 5 separate narratives exploring the visual and auditory connections between reality & delusion in our technological age.


Are You Bored Yet?

Music video concept for the band Wallows, depicting what it’s like to be stuck in suburbia.

Shot & Edited With Alec Giorgio


Still Imagery

Created using still photographs and audio recorded from raindrops to create an other-wordly visual dreamscape.



Music video concept for The Jonas Brothers.

Shot & Edited With Alec Giorgio


Art & Design

